"When the room breaks out into laughter hearts and minds are primed for learning."
-Althea Jones
Creating community within organizations, corporations and institutions is essential to creating and maintaining cultures that serve the mission and the member.
My interactive presentations use art to create connection and community among participants. Acting a facilitator and participant, I engage participants in uplifting and joyful conversation that create and reinforce feelings of community and belonging.
Using universal themes like superpowers and grandmothers, I am able to work with participants in various age groups (8+ yrs) and backgrounds with positive results.
Current Presentations Include:
Tell Me About Your Grandmother- Through art and poetry, participants are encouraged to reflect on the love and affection of their grandmother or similar relation.
My Skin Color is My Superpower- Participants are lead on a journey of self-discovery and reflection topped off by a color theory demonstration.
Superpower Self-Portraits- Participants create collage style "self-portraits" inspired by a lively conversation around superpowers and skin color
Previous Clients Include:
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College, L'Anse, Michigan
Summit Artspace, Akron, Ohio
Ohio Weslyan University, Delaware, Ohio
Leadership Akron, Akron, Ohio
Stark State College, Akron, Ohio
Akron University, Akron, Ohio
Goldmark Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas