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12 Hugs A Day

(Photo Credit: The Green Photograph, Huggers: Akron Artists Louise and Stephanie)

When I set out to create a community for myself (and others), I never considered that hugging would be an aspect of it. I am a natural introvert and not a natural “hugger”, but this season of my life has deepened my sense of community. 

I now have more opportunity and desire to do a little hugging. This was extremely obvious at my recent show, Skin Color: Pieces of You Pieces of Me. So many of my favorite people were there; both new and established friends. 

And there was a lot of hugging going on. Not just me hugging but others as well; families hugging, friends hugging, maybe even strangers hugging. Actually, I am pretty sure I hugged at least 2 people I didn’t know. 

There was proof of all of this hugging in the beautiful photos Christiana (The Green Photograph) took at the show. As I scrolled through the 100+ images she snapped, images of hugging and closeness jumped out at me. 

It occurred to me that maybe hugging is a measure of community. It would make sense that the more we hug the closer we feel to others and the more at ease we feel in our surroundings. I am very inspired and happy that hugging happened to be an unintended by-product of my work, and I hope it continues. 

While, I am definitely not at 12 hugs a day. It's a good goal that I hope to achieve as I continue to grow in community. 

Thank you to everyone that came to the show, hug you soon.

Here are some pictures from the show.



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