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Thinking of The Thinkers

Thought Leader Collage (Althea Jones)
Thought Leader Collage (Althea Jones)

Every November, I get in a New Year's way. I obsessively plan for the future and try to complete tasks I've put off during the year. 

This self-reflection season I focused on my career; the grand picture of it. What do I want to accomplish? What does success mean? Because, Lots of people can draw pretty pictures and money doesn't mean success.  

Someone once told me I was a thought leader, moving the needle. But what does that mean???

My first thought was Maya Angelou, a poet by trade and a leader in action. Unapologetically her truest self, she lived life and then told us about it. 

But, if I am to lead thought where am I going? Where are we going? 

What are the qualifications of leading thought? The duties and responsibilities?

So many words to consider: 

infamous, famous, 

smart, wise, 

success, failure

Last week, I sent out an email (join my email list) asking my favorite people what they thought of when the words "thought leader" were presented. The responses were wonderfully thought through, honest and transparent. A lot to consider and some names I'm not familiar with.

Everyone agreed that I can share the responses and I hope even more friends are prompted to think and share.

The List:

Kara Swisher

Brene Brown

Alain De Botton

Marcus Aurelius



Lao Tzu.

Terrance McKenna

Noam Chomsky

Thomas Merton

Wendell Berry

Angela Davis

WEB DuBois

Tinase Coates

Bell Hooks

Tupac Shakur

Harvey Milk

Marsha P. Johnson

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Tori Amos


Neil Young




Soul Coughing

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Deva R. Woodly

Astra Taylor

Hanif Abdurraqib

Maggie Nelson

Ross Gay

Franny Choi

The Commentary:

When I think of a thought leader, I think of someone who is willing to be open minded and come alongside you in collaboration. Someone that is there for honest brainstorming but also vision oriented.


That’s an interesting question. The first thought was “independent journalists” I feel like I am not sure who to follow anymore in this extremely loaded environment. I can absolutely not listen to mainstream media, and left outlets have also become so panicky at times that I am driven to fear.

In this climate, I appreciate serene and measured voices and think: Kara Swisher, a Lesbian tech journalist who has interesting down to earth insights; Brene Brown, a research of emotions I turn back to to better understand the hype, and in the end – it is US baby, in this age of disinformation and misinformation I am called to be an independent thinker, more than ever.


Normally I’m cautious of leaders especially when teamed with the word thought. My initial response would be conjuring up an image of controlling leaders who manipulate our thought processes. Recently though I have been revisiting the ideas of philosophy, how we can become our own leaders so to speak. I found a work by Alain De Botton, ‘The Consolations of Philosophy’ while browsing for Christmas gifts. I bought it for me, a lovely gesture don’t you think, lol! I have rediscovered my intrigue for thinking and discussing answers even when they are fluid, hard to grasp.


Well this might not be helpful, but, when you say thought leader I think of desperate people on Linked In. It's a buzzword to me at this point, watered down, and has lost its meaning. ANYONE can say they are a thought leader, too many do. I don't think it's a title you give yourself, but I'd use another word for great thinker and those who give guidance in a meaningful capacity (ie pre-social media, and not for easy profit and likes sitting on their couch).

The TRUE thinkers like you said here are not "thought leaders" in my opinion. 

As for that, I have no idea who I would pick. Changemakers and fearless people like Harvey Milk, Marsha P. Johnson, perhaps. 


Having been brought up Catholic, my first, visceral response is negative.  The phrase conjures years of being told what a woman should be/act like/be responsible for/be able to do.  It has taken me a long time to stop being burdened by the thoughts my church leaders taught.

 Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer knocked my socks off and gave me hope for the future!  A musician that continues to bring me joy is Tori Amos (Radiohead, Neil Young, Bjork,Beck, Cake, Soul Coughing and many other bands also bring me unbelievable joy).   I could name a list of friends I hold close who bring me joy any time I am in their presence.  Working at AST and seeing work and meeting artists (you included) has brought me unbelievable joy and inspiration!!!   The former students I now call friends are a joy I could never have imagined!  My 2 sons bring me joy and heartache (when they feel heartache).

That is what comes to mind this morning.


In my mind a thought leader is someone who poses open ended questions in order to start someone thinking. Maybe offers one or more possible answers. What a thought leader definitely does not do is make an emotional appeal.

No doubt in my mind that someone who makes an emotional appeal is attempting to influence thought. So I’m going to hang my hat on the word “leader” - specifically, the positive and aspirational aspects of that word. Alternatively, I could make a distinction between appealing to ’negative’ emotions (hate, fear) as opposed to ‘positive’ emotions (empathy, common good). 

I don’t know if that answers your question, but I hope it helps


I think of GOD, I know for myself I ask Him for guidance because I know the people that surround me have no clue. And often He sends me people outside of my family or community!


I love this question. The people who come to mind for me are poets: Hanif Abdurraqib, Maggie Nelson, Ross Gay, Franny Choi. I think poetry is a genre where sentimentality, musings, tangents, and contradiction are welcome and encouraged, whereas other genres require certainty and absolutism. The former is what makes a thought leader--at least one I'm interested in learning from.


I immediately thought of Mychal Threets, the librarian. He seems to really live his values (libraries and knowledge are for everyone! you belong at the library! mental health is important! It's okay to not be okay!) and is using his influence for so much good.


That's a hard question. Initially I thought of politicians, but that would be only the ones who think like I do. I am not religious, so , for me, that would negate clergy, with a few exceptions I.e. MLK, Rev. Warnock. The great philosopher's, Socrates, Plato etc, Great scientists like Pastuer, Da Vinci, Galileo. Very hard to pin down to a single person.




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